Moon Phase:
Full Moon 4th
Last Quarter 12th
New Moon 19th
First Quarter 26th
Evening Sky
Jupiter is high in the eastern evening sky in the constellation of Sagittarius.
Saturn is also high in the eastern evening sky in the constellation Sagittarius and rises after Jupiter. Look for it below Jupiter, closer to the east horizon.
Mercury may be visible the last few days of the month, in the western sky after sunset.
Morning Sky
Venus is in the eastern morning sky and starts the month in the constellation Taurus. However Venus is soon on the move through Orion to its final destination of Gemini which it reaches on the 14th.
Mars is rising about 11pm AEST but is best seen high in the north-western morning sky in the constellation of Pisces.
Worth a Look:
2nd: The waxing gibbous Moon is between Jupiter and Saturn in the eastern evening sky. The Moon is closer to Saturn and is above and slightly south of the ringed planet while it is below and slightly to the south of Jupiter. This provides a good opportunity for widefield photographers as their closeness to the horizon will make for a lovely image.
9th & 10th: Mars and the Moon do an early morning dance on both mornings. On the 9th, the waning gibbous Moon is leading the Red Planet towards the west. On the 10th, Mars is leading the Moon. They appear side-by-side on both mornings in the north-western sky.
16th: Venus is close to a double star Nu Geminorum, best seen through a telescope. The waning crescent Moon is also directly below the brilliantly shining planet. Could make for an interesting widefield image!
29th: The waxing gibbous Moon is between Jupiter and Saturn in the eastern evening sky for the second time this month. The Moon is about half way between the two planets, below and slightly to the south of Jupiter and above and slightly south of Saturn. This could provide a good opportunity for imagers.
You can download a star map for August here.
Clear Skies!